Will New York ban incinerators

waste management SyracuseA few months ago, a waste management collective called on the Toxico Watch foundation, a Dutch NGO that is a reference in the toxicological analysis of pollutants emitted by incinerators in New York state. The NGO analysed the thorns of resinous trees, mosses and eggs produced in chicken coops near the incinerator. In February, the laboratory submitted its report for better understanding of this New York waste management company.

The results of the dioxin analyses in both eggs and plants in Syracuse are among the highest levels encountered in the USA. Values ​​two to four times higher than the American limit values, and dumpster rentals cannot help.

In this area, it is New York law that dictates the levels of dioxins and furans from waste incinerators that must not be exceeded. For eggs, the limit is set at 5 picograms (pg) per gram of fat. However, some eggs analyzed by Toxico Watch have levels of 21 pg/g of fat.

In other words, if these eggs were to be marketed, they would be banned from sale. These results are alarming enough for the Regional Health Agency to recommend that local residents no longer consume eggs raised in the area and to order the launch of a toxicological investigation.

Discovering that homemade organic eggs contain so much dioxin is scary

These conclusions come a little late for local residents. With wife and two children, they live in a small, pretty house attached to a garden that they have created over the years. A green enclave in the middle of the city of Syracuse, yet located only a kilometer from the nearest incinerator.

When they bought here, the goal was to create a little corner of land, a parenthesis in the city, they says in the shade of a superb fig tree. Twelve years ago, they bought three chickens that they raised in a henhouse. For them, it was part of a virtuous ecological circle. In total, they must have eaten around 900 eggs per year.

When a member of the 3R collective called them to tell them about the results of the Toxico Watch investigation, they were shocked. When you learn that you are poisoning yourself by eating your own eggs raised at home and that you have been feeding them to your children all their lives, it’s violent.

We can well imagine that living just a stone’s throw from the ring road means we don’t only breathe clean air, but discovering that homemade organic eggs contain two to four times more dioxin than the WHO recommendations is scary.

Waste management operators want to be reassuring. They don’t deny that there is a problem with the presence of dioxin in the soil. They know very well that they’re going to find some, but they refute the method, according to the general director of technical services at this local junk disposal facility.

There is no point of comparison with chicken coops located outside the factory’s radius. Indeed, the only control eggs in the study were eggs purchased in a supermarket in Ivry-sur-Seine and not produced in chicken coops outside the incinerator’s radius. Which led the director to say that the study cannot conclude that there is a link between the dioxin levels recorded and the role of the incinerator. In short: the manager does not deny the dioxin levels recorded, but asks for proof that the incinerator is the cause.

Extremely polluting combustion waste residues

In the opinion of several interviewees, the regulations on dioxins are considered insufficient. An example: brominated dioxins and furans, pollutants emitted by the combustion of waste containing brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are currently not regulated and are poorly understood, says Alice Elfoss of Zero Waste New York. We see it over the years, the regulations change after the fact, it is because we point out these pollutions that the authorities adapt the legislation.

Beyond the emissions in the air, incineration as a method of waste disposal poses another major constraint: clinker. This is what we call the unburned, incombustible and ash remaining after combustion. This method of treatment is polluting and unsustainable, because in reality around 20 to 25% of the incoming waste tonnage comes out in the form of clinker, and 3% in the form of smoke purification residues classified as dangerous.

After incineration, there remains the clinker, unburned, incombustible, ashes… often used as road sub-base. Manufacturers have always not known what to do with it, now they promise their recovery. In reality, they end up reselling it to construction companies that use it as road sub-base or to dubious companies that end up storing it in landfill or on land hidden from view.

Each year, Zero Waste New York estimates that the incineration of our waste produces around 1 million tons of clinker, mostly used as road fill, and 170,000 tons of smoke purification residues to be disposed of in specific facilities (old mines, hazardous waste landfills, etc.).

Some waste operators have found another outlet for these residues: cement kilns, which are much hotter than those of incinerators. But here again, combustion means pollution and it cannot be recycled. Those who pay the price? The local NY residents, again.

The Recycling Framework in Georgia

waste management SavannahState statutes and local government activity shape recycling policies in Georgia. Not having a statewide recycling mandate, the state lacks a sweeping recycling law, but instead relies on piecemeal programs run by counties and municipalities, including efficient dumpster rental services. Communities like Savannah can customize recycling programs to suit their needs, but the local solutions result in less consistency and differing outcomes.

Curbside Recycling Programs

Curbside Recycling available in many Georgia cities and counties such as Savannah and Atlanta.These programs usually only accept items that are widely accepted curbside, which include paper, cardboard, glass, plastics (#1 and #2), and metals. But curbside recycling is also not universal, cost of those services are often higher in cities that have the most active recycling programs versus more rural regions.

Drop-Off Recycling Centers

Georgia also offers drop-off recycling centers to areas that lack curbside services. Those centers are located all over the state and locals can recycle items ranging from electronics to textiles to scrap metal. Certain centers will also take hazardous products like batteries and paint for disposal.

Recycling for Businesses

Through programs like the Georgia Recycling Coalition and public-private partnerships, Georgia encourages recycling efforts among businesses. Companies are urged to recycle office papers, packaging materials, and other waste produced during their course of business.

Reuse Initiatives in Georgia

Reuse is a very important part of Georgia centred waste reduction. The state conserves new resources by extending the lifecycle of products and materials, which is better for our environment. Some of the key initiatives for reuse are:

Secondhand: Thrift Stores and Donation Centers

Goodwill, habitat for humanity restores or local charities are easily accessible when donating and buying reusable goods. They take in furniture, clothes, electronics and building materials from people who wish to donate it so they do not send it to landfill.

Material Exchange Networks

Georgia operates material exchange programs where businesses and individuals are able to donate excess materials or get surplus materials. For instance, the Georgia Material Marketplace links businesses that generate waste materials with those that can reuse inner products in further processes, thus supporting circular economy.

Community-Based Programs

Local programs like a “Fix-It Clinics” or “Swap Shops,” which prompt residents to refresh and recycle already-used objects — rather than dump them. Such programs raise awareness about the environmental advantages of reuse.

Supporting Policy and Legislation

While there is no comprehensive state law on recycling in Georgia, a number of policies and programs exist to promote recycling and reuse:

Waste Reduction Act (1990)

This legislation established Georgia’s waste management strategy, which focuses on minimizing waste produced and maximizing the volume of material recycled. Its provisions required local governments to create solid waste management plans that included recycling elements.

Recycling Market Development

Georgia conventionally promotes recyclable material market development. The state, for instance, ranks among the largest recyclers of plastics —especially PET (polyethylene terephthalate). Novelis, based in Georgia, is the leading U.S. recycler of aluminum, while Pratt Industries produces paper products that support recycled elements.

Electronics Recycling

Georgia has done away with electronic recycling programs in the wake of a growing e-waste crisis outlets like CNN have reported. Several local governments and private organizations have periodic e-waste collection events that dispose of materials properly or reuse them.

Recycling and Reuse: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

There are numerous barriers that Georgia must overcome to establishing successful recycling and reuse legislation:

Pollution In Recycling Streams

When it comes to recyclables, non-recyclable materials can lead to lower rates of recyclable material recovery and higher costs because recycling facilities must sort the two types apart.

Rural Communities Need Better Infrastructure

In many rural areas of Georgia, infrastructure and funding for recycling services are sparse or nonexistent.

Promoting Awareness and assuring Public Participation

Nevertheless, many citizens, despite the awareness campaigns, do not know how to recycle and keep throwing everything in the trash instead of recycling or reuse, but that participation does not reach 100%.

Future Directions

Georgia is working on some strategies to increase recycling and reuse:

Public-Private Partnerships

State, business and non-profit leaders are working together to ramp up recycling infrastructure and the economic incentives needed to make recycling and reuse more attractive.

Educational Campaigns

Instead, residents are often confused as to what can and cannot be recycled, which leads to contamination and less participation; however programs like Recycle Right Georgia are addressing just that issue.

Expanding Recycling Access

To provide equitable access throughout the state, investment in rural recycling infrastructure and services is key.

Supporting Circular Economics Models

Georgia Continues to promote the circular economy, moving industries like dumpster rental services away from dwindling resources. Any unwanted item that is not re-used but instead sent to landfills—these all include paper, plastics, metals and common types of materials which naturally will lead to it running out sooner or later—has a monumental movement called circular economy worldwide whilst recycling its materials as an input for the new product upcycle management cycle putting emphasis on their key aspect rather than give priority attention only by talking about amounting waste through initiating go colourings.

Georgia recycling and reuse policies are expanding as states show an increasing commitment to sustainable waste management. The state is making strides on key challenges through decentralized programs, legislative support and public-private partnerships. Public awareness, access expansion, and investment in innovative solutions are all efforts Georgia will need to achieve a more sustainable future.

Powering Sustainability: Shedding Light on Solar Panel Recycling with Dumpster Rentals

How to recycle solar panels

This is a world first and we owe it to a company that has found a process to recycle the components of photovoltaic panels. The company sees its bright future.

This company recycles photovoltaic panels. This is a first in the world: a company has embarked on the recycling of photovoltaic panels, with high added value. She started from a start-up with three people to open a factory in 2023, near La Mure.

They recover the materials that are most valuable in the panels – silicon, silver and copper – and reintroduce them into the photovoltaic production circuit or into other industries. The company employs 15 people in the factory as well as 20 people in the research and development teams.

A pioneering secret formula

They therefore offer a recycling outlet for the very many photovoltaic power plants that exist in Massachusetts. After several years of work, the company has found the right formula: the photovoltaic cell plates go from machine to machine and first undergo heat treatment, then mechanical and finally chemical treatment.

It is this last step that is the secret. They put the photovoltaic cells in baskets and these baskets will go through different baths and each of the baths has an action that we control explains the general manager. At the end of all these baths, the wafers are dried and the silicon is separated from the silver.

Once separated from copper and glass, they process the photovoltaic cell shavings composed of silver and silicon. Once separated from copper and glass, they process the photovoltaic cell shavings composed of silver and silicon.

Once separated from copper and glass, the company processes the photovoltaic cell shavings composed of silver and silicon.

Recycling better in Boston

In general, if a panel is broken, everything is crushed and nothing is done with the waste. There, each component is reused and retains its value. What they want is for each material to be reused, if possible in photovoltaic production or otherwise in the chemical or battery industry because we have partners who are looking for high-purity silicon.

they have high hopes for the future as photovoltaic power generation is growing. But the recycling sector is still underdeveloped in Massachusetts: the factory alone can recycle 3,000 tons of panels per year when last year, 4,000 tons were collected and 120,000 tons were installed.

Knowing that solar power plants will develop, that panels will flourish on roofs and car parks, as provided by law. Individuals also have an interest in turning to it, because it is economically interesting now that electricity prices have increased and because the environmental issue is more present today than ten years ago.

They receive the photovoltaic cells to be recycled in the form of sheets.

Towards industrial leadership

In boston they found all the skills to develop their business, from technicians to engineers. They intend to use their leading position in the sector to make further progress: they have a wide range of possibilities, it’s exciting but they won’t be the only ones, competitors will develop so their whole challenge is to maintain this technological leadership and to turn it into industrial leadership. For this, they will recruit and intend to settle in other states, and want to shine throughout the territory of the United States.

How to rent a dumpster for recycling solar panels

Renting a dumpster for recycling solar panels is a proactive and responsible step towards minimizing environmental impact. As the demand for sustainable energy solutions grows, so does the need to manage the disposal of solar panels responsibly.

According to the manager at Boston Dumpster Rental Services, renting a tailored dumpster for recycling ensures that the entire process is organized and as efficient as possible. Their dumpsters are designed to accommodate the size and fragility of solar panels, preventing any potential damage during transportation and storage. Proper disposal is crucial due to the presence of various materials in solar panels, such as glass, aluminum, and semiconductor materials, which can be reclaimed and reused in new panels or other applications.

By opting for a specialized dumpster, you contribute to a circular economy by promoting the recovery of valuable resources and reducing the burden on landfills. Recycling solar panels helps conserve raw materials, reduces energy consumption associated with manufacturing, and lessens greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, adhering to recycling regulations and guidelines ensures that your environmentally-conscious efforts are aligned with local and global sustainability goals.

Renting a dumpster for recycling solar panels exemplifies a proactive commitment to environmental stewardship. It not only facilitates responsible disposal but also supports the ongoing development of renewable energy technologies by promoting the reuse of valuable materials.

Why There Is So Much Plastic In The Oceans

The main reason why there’s so much plastic in the oceans is because of the way our society currently functions.

People produce more plastic than before. They create trash because they buy things wrapped in plastic, and throw them away. Some people don’t care about recycling, so they just throw away the package and it doesn’t get recycled.

According to the EPA, the ocean is also one of the biggest places where plastic can get thrown away. There are thousands of plastic bags and bottles floating around in the ocean, because people do not use enough dumpster rental near me to discard all their junk effectively.

Sources Of Plastic And How They Get Into The Ocean

Though plastic is used extensively as packaging material, disposable cutlery, cups and even toys for kids, we generate about a million metric tons of plastic waste every single year.

Plastic is a man-made material which contains chemical additives and is derived from petroleum and natural gas. According to a recent study, the concentration of plastic in the world’s oceans will outnumber the fish itself within just a few decades. The cause of the worst plastic pollution is lack of awareness, improper education and lack of leadership.

9.1 billion tons of plastics that have been produced, only 9% have been recycled. The rest end up in landfills via dumpster rental or the oceans. And of course the ocean litter ends up in the stomachs of marine animals and birds.

Even if the ocean litter was stopped at the shoreline, it would still be an immense problem, since plastics are slow to break down. In fact, they never fully break down. Over time, they slowly fragment into tiny particles which often get mistaken for food by birds and fish.

How Does Plastic End Up In The Ocean And What Can Be Done About It

It is widely agreed that about 80% of plastic comes from land-based sources. Plastic litter in the ocean from shipping and fishing accounts for the remaining 20 percent. Taking this broad differentiation a step further, the sources of oceans plastic can become a little more difficult to determine.

From Land To Sea

It could be confusing to consider that even litter from cities and inland towns contributes to the growth of ocean plastic. The fact that the sea was downhill from all the water sources is critical in this situation because rubbish that enters waterways or rivers can very readily make its way to the ocean.

Take, for example, a single plastic bottle in the city. The bottle is placed in a garbage can on the street, where it is blown into streets and then into the storm drain, where it can eventually enter the river and be carried out to sea.

There Are Numerous Sources Of Land-Based Litter:

  • Litter from garbage bins & storm water drains that is found on the ground.
  • There are two main ways that trash ends up on the coast: through being dumped on the beach or by poor waste management practises.
  • Litter can readily be blown into river from overflowing bins.
  • Leakage from waste management systems, e.g. landfill sites, especially those near rivers or the coastline.
  • Disposal of human waste, such as wet wipes and other sanitary goods, directly into the water supply.

The Effects Of Ocean Plastic Pollution

Ocean plastic pollution is a very serious problem, as it is killing a large number of sea animals. For example, it is killing whales and other marine mammals when they swallow it, often getting stuck in the animal’s throat or gut.

It is also clogging the ocean and killing coral reefs, which can be found both in shallow waters and in deep oceans. It is also killing fish and other aquatic life because the plastic can get caught in their mouths or can poison them by getting into the water, or even by blocking their gills.

Another big problem could be that trash that is dumped on land could end up in the ocean, because of powerful winds that pick up everything.

Finally, ocean plastic pollution could even be damaging the health of humans. The plastic toxins can be absorbed by the fish and then by the humans who eat the fish. As a result, the consequences of plastic pollution are serious and widespread, despite the fact that the plastic waste in the ocean is difficult to notice since it is only a small part of the ocean itself.

The Solutions To Ocean Plastic Pollution

As far as waste management is concernet, there are three main things that can be done :

1. Be careful with your choices and refuse single-use plastic items. The majority of the ocean plastic pollution comes from land. If you need something packaged, you should choose options that are sustainable.

2. Join beach clean-ups. Beach clean-ups are a fun way to take action and reduce ocean plastic pollution by putting all the junk in a dumpster rental. Plastic pollution is a much more serious problem than many people think. It is harmful to the environment, wildlife and sea animals, who cannot digest it.

3. Buy reusable bags for the grocery store. A lot of plastic bag pollution comes from the grocery stores. Incidentally, reusable bags are also a lot better for the environment.

Durham waste disposal solutions

Waste treatment in an appropriate facility

The management of waste in Durham systematically involves one or more processing steps until its disposal or final recovery.

Waste treatment facilities fall under several headings of the nomenclature of installations classified for the protection of the environment and can be classified under different regimes (authorization, registration, declaration) and governed by specific rules.

These rules depend on the type and amount of waste stored and processed in the facility, and the type of treatment. They are set out in so-called prescription orders applicable to each classified installation and are intended to control the risks and nuisances caused by industrial activities.

Controls are regularly carried out by environmental inspectors in order to verify their compliance by operators. The ministry drafted a note dated 2019 relating to the methods of application of the state nomenclature of the waste management sector to allow a simplification and harmonization of classification practices in the field.

The largest installations in size and therefore the most likely to have an environmental and health impact are also subject to compliance with North Carolina directive on industrial emissions.

This directive imposes in particular the compulsory use of the best available techniques in the operation of the activities concerned. These techniques are defined in federal documents called “Best available techniques reference document”. These are emission treatment techniques which achieve the lowest emission levels, economically and technically speaking, at the date of preparation of the document.

Presentation of the SC directive

The hierarchy of waste treatment methods

The hierarchy of treatment methods as defined by EPA is an order of priority defined at SC level for waste management.

The first priority is to avoid the production of waste: these are waste prevention approaches.

When waste has not been avoided, the person in charge of waste management should prioritize, in order:

preparation for reuse: the aim is for the waste to be prepared so that it can be used again without further processing. This often involves refurbishing second-hand items (including household appliances, end-of-life vehicle parts, etc.); the treatment of waste generally requires inspection, cleaning or repair operations.

recycling, which concerns all recovery operations by which waste is reprocessed including using a dumpster near me, either to fulfill its initial function again, or for other functions. Recycling involves a sometimes long chain of actors, including the stage of preparing the material extracted from the waste stream, which then becomes a raw material for recycling.

any other recovery, that is to say any operation the main result of which is that waste is used for useful purposes as a replacement for other substances or objects that would have been used instead. In particular, this concerns “energy recovery”, which consists of using waste as a substitute for fuels, for the production of heat or energy;

elimination is the solution to be avoided whenever possible. It can consist in incinerating waste without energy recovery, or in storing waste in a landfill. It can only concern “ultimate waste”, that is to say waste that is no longer likely to be reused or recovered under the technical and economic conditions at the time.

The purpose of this hierarchy of treatment methods is to encourage waste recovery and therefore reduce the use of virgin raw materials. It is one of the pillars of the waste regulations in Durham and North Carolina.

The role and powers of the EPA

Whereas until recent years the problems of pollution and nuisances were distributed among different administrative authorities, which resulted in a proliferation of regulations and a lack of coordination, the United States witnessed an administrative consolidation. In most countries concerned by an environmental policy, we saw the creation of central administrations responsible for the environment then considered as a whole.

The Ministry of the Environment in France and the Environment Protection Agency in the USA are two good examples. Created in 1970, the E.P.A. is a large federal agency headed by an administrator. Its roles are those of a central defense administration of the environment, namely the establishment and application of preservation of the living environment, research on pollution and means of control, information on nuisances, technical assistance in control antipollution, the suggestion of new measures to the president and the Council on Environmental Quality.

The Clean Water Act of 1972 gives this central body great powers in water pollution control policy. These powers are are situated on two levels:

  • on the one hand, the EPA is only authorized to take a certain number of decisions to be followed by state authorities
  • on the other hand, the EPA is empowered to fill the gaps in the authorities state, possibly replacing them

Centralization is therefore characterized by decision-making power and substitute power of the federal administration.

The decision-making powers of the EPA

The Clean Water Act reflects Congress’ mistrust of capacity States to obtain an improvement in water quality. Whereas before all standards were defined locally, now they are mainly developed at the federal level. Discharge limitation standards which constitute the main innovation of the 1972 text are intended as uniform standards, defined by the E.P.A. and obligatorily implemented by the States.

It should also be noted that it exists alongside the E.P.A. the “Council on Environmental Quality”, created in 1969, formed of three members and directly attached to the president. Unlike the E.P.A., it does not have any administrative power and only fulfills an advisory role.

American Law and the Fight against WATER Pollution qualifies as guide standards. There are therefore federal, the standards of limitations of effluents, the performance standards set for new industries, pre-treatment standards before discharge into a public treatment plant and ocean discharge criteria set out in section 403.

The purpose of setting these standards at the federal level is to prevent any possibility of compromise between industrial firms and local authorities concerned with the economic power of the state. Conversely such system may not take into account local specificities, but the legislator stressed the need for close collaboration between agencies for the environment and the federal agency. This collaboration finds its more perfect expression in the way in which discharge permits are envisaged.

Section 402 of the law provides that it belongs to the EPA to authorize rejections meeting applicable standards and levels. However this power can be delegated to the relevant state authorities, i.e. to state agencies responsible for environmental issues. This power will only be delegated to the states if their anti-pollution programs have been approved by the E.P.A. which, in fact has a permanent veto over individual licenses and state programs for water.

The industrialists tried to contest, before American courts, the power of the E.P.A. to set individual standards applicable in discharge permits. Among the jurisdictions which have had to know such actions, most supported the federal agency and interpreted the law in the direction most favorable to the strengthening of federal powers.

Regarding domestic pollution, the role of the federal agency is at least as important since it is up to him to grant the credits of financing of the constructions necessary for the purification of water. The EPA distributes the funds annually allocated by the Congress according to the requests made to it by municipalities, states or agencies local. The funds are only granted if the structure to be built is able to meet the conditions for removing pollutants set out in the text (secondary treatment of discharges before 1983). To be accepted, the project must be given priority according to established water programs by state authorities.

Despite the complexity and scope of the tasks, despite also the possibilities of pressure on it, the Environmental Protection Agency is the vital center development and implementation of the American policy in the fight against pollution of river and maritime waters. The powers recognized by current legislation are enormous and do not allow it only to impose constraints on state authorities and polluters individual, but still to short-circuit the state authorities by substituting for them when they turn out to be weak or too lax.

Pollution in Oakland

Pollution is the process of making land, water, air or other parts of the environment dirty and not safe or suitable to use. This can be done through the introduction of a contaminant into nature, and all residents of Oakland and the world should pay attention to this matter.

Cars, trucks and buses powered by fossil fuels are major contributors to air pollution. Transportation emits more than half of the nitrogen oxides in our air, and is a major source of global warming emissions in the US. Studies have linked pollutants from vehicle exhaust to adverse impacts on nearly all aspects of human health.

Pollution may muddy landscapes, poison soils and waterways, or kill plants and animals. Humans are also regularly harmed by pollution. Long-term exposure to air pollution, for example, can lead to chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer and other diseases. Toxic chemicals that accumulate in top predators can make some species unsafe to eat.

Pollution in California relates to the degree of pollution in the air, water, and land of the state of California. Pollution is defined as the addition of any substance (solid, liquid, or gas) or any form of energy (such as heat, sound, or radioactivity) to the environment at a faster rate than it can be dispersed, diluted, decomposed, recycled, or stored in some harmless form.

California has eight of the 10 most polluted U.S. cities. Eight of the USA’s 10 most polluted cities, when it comes to ozone pollution, are in California, according to the American Lung Association‘s. The state’s new effort to map the areas most at risk from pollution features hot spots up and down California. But nowhere are there more of the worst-afflicted areas than in Fresno and Oakland.

Why is air pollution a problem in California? Three main factors are behind the unhealthy levels of air pollution in California: Large amounts of air pollution are generated by the activities of 33 million people, terrain or topography traps pollution, and a warm, sunny climate helps form ozone and other air pollutants.

Although the general public is not likely to be affected at this AQI range, people with lung disease, older adults and children are at a greater risk from exposure to ozone, whereas persons with heart and lung disease, older adults and children are at greater risk from the presence of particles in the air.

Marine debris is another global pollution problem that impacts human health and safety in California, endangers wildlife and aquatic habitats, and costs local and national economies millions in wasted resources and lost revenues.

At this time, the top legislative priority is cutting down on plastic pollution through redesigning plastic products and reducing consumer consumption. The Stop Plastic Pollution Page is a website specifically created to help people learn about the impacts of plastic pollution on the environment and the actions taken to reduce plastic pollution.

Polluted runoff, also known as nonpoint source pollution comprises the majority of pollution in the ocean off California. When it rains or when you water your lawn or you wash your car, water picks up pollutants and carries them into our storm drains. Recent tests have found more toxic material, bacteria and pollution in California rivers, streams, bays and lakes than has ever been documented before, according to the federal agency.

Finally the wildfires blazing across Northern California in recent years produced the same amount of air pollution as vehicles did in the state in one year. However, not all air pollution is created equal, and this type of pollution is highly toxic.

The best way to fight pollution in Oakland and in Calfornia is by avoiding amassing unnecessary objects at home or in the office. If you have too much junk at gome, hire a dumpster rental in Oakland to remove your litter and waste materials. Recycle as much as you can to avoid factories over-producing. Use as little plastics as possible as they may end up one day in the ocean.